General condition of sale

According to Article L.111-1 of the consumption code, we inform you that the sound code of the atlas is a single download (can only be the subject of one listening). As well as the sound code Agnostra from code 4 and as well as the sound code of the first layer of the code 5 DNA. All other sound codes are re-listenable. Sound treatment Atlas Balancing does not promise any cure. The effects are very different from one person to another and can not be predefined. The treatment Atlas Balancing is not recommended for pregnant women. We decline all responsibility in case of misuse of the application. Each person is responsible for choosing to listen to the codes Atlas Balancing. As a reminder, we inform you that Atlas Balancing does not replace any allopathic treatment. Atlas Balancing and sound codes are registered trademarks of OHMI, Spain for one and INPI for the other. The sound codes are deposited with the SNAC, Paris, France. Each license is individual. Do not copy, plagiarize, duplicate, or resell in any way whatsoever, do not organize group treatment sessions, or divert in any way the individual vocation of this online application and all these sound codes subject to legal proceedings to the competent judicial authorities. Aymeric blanc all rights reserved.

The contents of the website, especially explanatory texts, testimonials and recorded sounds, are published under the sole responsibility of their author.