Beautiful and powerful

What evidence this care! I was guided to the Atlas Balancing subtly and it was finally with Aymeric that I had the honor of receiving the sound codes… And much more ! It was the day outside the time of the Mayan calendar. Before I arrived, I was like a directed puppet who passed from one place to another, but I lacked presence, anchoring and I was undergoing. The sound codes are beautiful and powerful, I really felt the bone repositioning. It followed a rise of kundalini in Lourdes after the liberation of some channels… Nice experience. It took me a little while, but 3 months later, (I was waiting to take a step back to post my comment) I feel in my place, always more present over time, my connection to the Earth has deepened !! I refused the incarnation … My intuition developed. Now, I’m not taking my head off on details … I affirm myself and that’s a lot of benefits. I recommend this care to anyone who feels called to do it, thanks to Aymeric and Amelle for what they bring to Humanity.